Studio Envalue
About us

Entrepreneurship is in our DNA

Envalue is the most innovative real estate consultant in the Netherlands. We are a company that is driven by data. With entrepreneurship and a clear vision, we push the boundaries. We believe there is a need for an independent advisor who translates data into concrete insights and solutions for valuations, strategic analyses, high-grade transactions and the realisation of sustainable projects.


Our data-driven approach is the driving force behind every decision we make. This allows us to provide strategic advice that is based on facts. We continue to evolve ourselves and our products.


We show courage and with thought leadership we challenge the market. We give real estate advice, both solicited and unsolicited. We dare to make statements about developments in the market and to take action on them.


We are committed to our mission and each other. This forms the basis of the partnership we establish with our clients for every real estate matter.


Everyone is equal as human beings within Envalue Real estate and at the same time we cherish our differences.


We all contribute to a pleasant working environment. We celebrate successes together.


In 2019, Envalue was founded by the BORON Group. BORON Group is the family firm and investment company of the J.A. Fentener van Vlissingen family. BORON invests in sustainable growth markets in the trade, real estate services and hospitality & travel sectors, and has interests in several large and small companies.

Working method

Partner in real estate matters

We put the needs of the real estate user at the heart of all our activities. So, we focus on those organisations where real estate is not a core business and follow them throughout the Netherlands. We are an independent partner in all phases of strategic real estate and accommodation issues. We do this for industrial and logistics users, office organisations, multinationals, government and healthcare institutions, among others. With the knowledge and data we gather in these processes, we can also provide excellent advice to real estate professionals.


Time for a data-driven future

Envalue’s unique concept was developed by listening carefully to the needs of our clients. The real estate market will grind to a halt without unambiguous data, without a digitised work process, without automation. We are there for real estate owners, developers, financiers and non-real estate professionals who want to be in control of their real estate portfolio in a modern way. Quality, speed, structured data and insight are keywords in our organisation. With our innovative and data-driven approach, Envalue can not only provide high-quality advice, but also anticipate changing market dynamics faster. In this way, we make a sustainable impact on the real estate landscape.